Welcome to Damworld´s website
We will guide you around in the Troll World, and hope your adventure around the magicworld will give you a lot of knowledge about the Original Dam Troll from the fishing village😲Gjøl in Denmark
Thomas Dam fik ideen til at udføre
Lykketrolden i gummi under en rejse til USA i 1960'erne. Siden den produktion
startede er der udviklet mange spændende udgaver af Gjøl trolden i gummi og
iklædt tøj.
I 2014 indledte bySommer et samarbejde med
Dam familien. bySommer præsenterede en ide om at skabe Lykketrolden i et nyt
keramisk materiale - helt i Thomas Dams ånd. Missionen er at gøre Thomas Dams
verdenskendte legetøjstrold til et design-ikon indenfor boliginteriør.
News 2011
DreamWorks to Make Stars of Danish Troll Dolls
DreamWorks Animation has acquired the film rights to the Good Luck Troll toys from Dam Things in Denmark, and plans to produce a feature film based on the popular figures.
The Good Luck Troll dolls were created in 1959 by Danish woodcutter Thomas Dam. The dolls caught on and became a craze in the 1960s and again in the 1990s.
“My father would have been very happy to know that his Troll has found its dream partner in DreamWorks Animation,” said Niels Dam, who now owns the family business.
Calle Ostergaard, CEO of Dam Things, added, “We have been planning to bring the Good Luck Troll toy line back into homes around the world and we are excited to see how the talented storytellers and artists at DreamWorks Animation will bring them to life.”
Dam Things Aps